Financial and Emotional Upheaval

Written by SAVE NOW on Wednesday, May 5, 2010

These days, record-breaking foreclosure numbers seem to be coming out with more and more frequency. But what happens to the thousands of families after their personal financial disaster?

Unfortunately, once a foreclosure is final, the financial and emotional upheaval is far from over.
While there's considerable pain, most foreclosure victims will eventually become homeowners again. Still, that won't happen any time soon, especially since mortgage rule maker Fannie Mae has recently lengthened the time that must lapse between a foreclosure and approval for a new mortgage.

Here's a look at the issues foreclosed families grapple with and some smart solutions.

1. Finding a new home
The immediate problem is obvious: where and how to find a new place to live.
Lack of cash for a rental deposit is probably the biggest barrier to foreclosed owners getting re-established on their own. Landlords will sometimes accept tenants who have a lower credit score, but if landlords look beyond a numerical score, a foreclosure may spook them, since it indicates the potential tenant hasn't paid his housing bills. If the foreclosure can be explained, however, and if the rental candidate has a solid job history, he or she may be accepted.
Scraping together a rental deposit isn't easy for cash-strapped foreclosed owners, and often landlords may ask for a higher deposit.

It is recommended that people try to make plans as soon as they think foreclosure is inevitable. Anyone who has an FHA-insured loan who's being foreclosed on should investigate the "cash for keys" program, whereby they get a check for up to $1,000 if they voluntarily vacate their home and leave it "broom clean".

2. Suffering through the credit fallout
Once owners default on their mortgages, other creditors consider it much more likely they won't collect what they're owed either. Credit cards have a 'default' rate, and (foreclosed owners) could see their interest rate jump to very high levels — as much as 30 percent. You may also have a hard time getting a decent car loan.

If a foreclosure is an isolated event on an otherwise good credit record, consumers may be able to rehabilitate their records and garner better loans and card rates in 24 months.
But since a foreclosure is rarely the former owner's only credit slip-up and foreclosures are often combined with the fallout of punishing rates, some former homeowners will take a long time to climb back up to a good credit score.

3. Buying another home of one's own
Fannie Mae has just increased the length of time it takes from the completion of a foreclosure sale until the borrower can get a new mortgage from four years to five years. The extra year is designed to deter what Fannie Mae believes are borrowers who have made reckless debt decisions. But foreclosed owners who can explain that extenuating circumstances — typically situations beyond someone's control, such as a job loss — are the impetus for the foreclosure must wait only three years.

Perhaps the best option for obtaining a mortgage after foreclosure is with a federally insured FHA loan. The minimum time between the completion of foreclosure until when you can be approved for an FHA loan is three years — whether or not there are extenuating circumstances. Still, FHA borrowers will have to show that they've been practicing good bill-paying habits since the foreclosure.

4. Owing a potential employer an explanation
Should you lose your job as well as your home, your new job hunt shouldn't be hindered by the subject of your foreclosure coming up in job interviews — unless you're applying for a job in which you handle money. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act has rules employers must follow, such as notifying the applicant of the credit check, and most companies limit checks so as not to reach past the law.

If a foreclosed owner is applying for a financial job, he should have an explanation ready, perhaps describing how the foreclosure has changed some of his personal money-management skills today.

5. Getting hit with a tax bill
It seems like the ultimate injustice: You lose your home and then weeks or months later you open the mail and find a bill for taxes on the amount of mortgage that the lender was never able to recover from the sale of the property. Any time debt is forgiven, it's a potentially taxable event. You are not paying back money that you borrowed, so that money is considered income by the IRS.

However, there are some exceptions. Last year, Congress passed relief for foreclosed owners — but only those who lost their principal residence and didn't have a mortgage that they had previously taken as a cash-out refinance to use the proceeds for expenses other than improving their home. But foreclosure victims may still not have to pay a tax tab, even if they had a cash-out refinance. That's because the IRS has long allowed taxpayers to escape a bill on forgiven debt if they are insolvent. If, for instance, you receive a Form 1099c from a lender saying it couldn't recover $5,000 of what it was owed, but your debts exceed your assets to the tune of $15,000, you must file Form 982 with your tax return to clear your tax obligation.

6. Living through loss
The emotional toll of leaving a home and neighborhood are impossible to quantify. One glimmer of hope is that the large numbers of foreclosures today may lessen the stigma of the event. With foreclosures so much in the news, it may prompt people not to make judgments.

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3 Responses to "Financial and Emotional Upheaval"

  1. Skyden Dredge Says:

    The time gap of mortgage after foreclosure is 2 years. To get the best loan, it would be wise to wait for at least 2 years. Meanwhile, you must concentrate on improving your credit score.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    What an informative post! Thank you for taking time to discuss these matters. I agree that there are really some circumstances affecting our purchase of a home that’s out of our control. One of the first things many people should do after buying a property is to obtain a couple estimates. It is good to get those estimates in writing and find professional and legal help if necessary. Kathleen Salazar

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